(Fotos by Prof. Armin Prinz, Vienna, Austria).
Kiesse was born in Kisantu (Bas-Congo) on Sept. 19th, 1966. He is an important representative of Congolese popular art. He lives and works at Kinshasa. His pictures deal with politics, cruelties and problems of the daily life.
Expositions: 2000 Les Jeunes Talents, Halle de la Gombe and Hotel Memling; 2005 "Regards sur les 15 ans de transition", Hotel Memling and Bibliotheque Wallonie-Bruxelles; 2007 "Le Congo d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain", Hotel Memling, Kinshasa; 2010 "50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit des Kongo in Bildern", Castle of Puchenau, Linz, Austria; "Die Freiheit und der Kongo", Jägermayrhof, Linz, Austria.
Studio-address: Centre du ZOO, 1,
Av. KASA-VUBU, C/Kinshasa
"Arresting of General Nkunda". Acrylic colors on canvas, 92 x 95 cm, 2008.
"Cannibalistic Massacre". Acrylic colors on canvas, 65 x 90,5 cm.
"Vers le Congo de Demain". Acrylic colors on canvas, 83 x 104 cm, 2006.
"Problems of an Economist in Kinshasa". Acrylic colors on canvas, 77 x 103 cm, 2004.
"Corruption". Acrylic colors on canvas, 75 x 100 cm, 2007.