The paintings at this site display famous philosophers. Most of the portraits are created to illustrate philosophical works in the internet and in books. The ornaments, which shape the faces, contain allusions to the work of the philosophers (e.g. the "Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason" and the porcupines in Schopenhauer's portrait, the "dancing star" in Nietzsche's face, the white swans and the one black swan in Popper's portrait and so on.)
Most of the pictures are also published in Patrick Horvath: "Große Denker", Selva-edition, Amstetten-Linz 2003, ISBN.3-9010-4045-5.
Horvath: "Friedrich Nietzsche - the Three Metamorphoses". Oil on
canvas, 50 x 40
cm, Crete 2005.
"Of the three metamorphoses of the spirit I tell you: how the spirit becomes a camel; and the camel, a lion; and the lion, finally, a child."
This painting was the official
image for the programme and the
poster of the international congress "Nietzsche y la hermeneutica",
held at the University of Valencia from Nov.5th to Nov.7th, 2007. It is
placed at the cover of the book "Nietzsche y la hermeneutica" by
Francisco Arenas-Dolz, Luca Giancristofaro and Paolo Stellino (ISBN13:
978-84-7642-744-8). The painting was also published
in the magazine "Educação", ISSN 1415-5486,
edition on Friedrich Nietzsche, published by Editora Segmento, in
São Paulo, Brazil, 2007.
This picture is also piblished in "The Hedgehog Review -
Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture"
Volume 17, Number 3, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture,
University of Virginia, in an article by Matthew Scherer: "Nietzshe's
Smile". ISSN 1527-867X, Charlottesville 2015.
picture illustrates the article "Strange
Freedom: Religion and the Play of Imaginaries" of Laurens ten Kate in
the open-access-Journal LIMINA of the Catholic-Theological Faculty of
the University Graz entitled "Das Phantom der
Frteiheit", edited by Isabella Guanzini and Reinhold Esterbauer, 2019.
The painting will be publoshed in Serie
Filosofia, authors:
Ana Paula Alves Aguiar, Rafael Saldanha, Rodrigo Gomes
Figueiredo, ISBN:
9786559231591, Sao Paulo, Brazil..
This Nietzsche-portrait is also the cover image of the book "Der
Jäger Gottes - Also sprachZarathustra" by Martin Schneider,
Verlag J.H.Röll, Dettelbach (Germany), 2023. ISBN:
Horvath: "Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer". Oil on canvas,
40 x 60
cm, Crete 2000.
This painting was also published in the following magazines:
IDEE", number I, Würzburg, April 2007.
ISSN 1415-5486, special
edition on Friedrich Nietzsche, published by Editora Segmento, in
São Paulo, Brazil, 2007.
"Charakter", March 2010,
"Praxis Philosophie & Ethik" 1/2020,
Westermann Publishing (ISSN 2363-6688).
Horvath: "Friedrich Nietzsche: God is dead!". Oil and acrylic on
canvas, 50 x 70
cm, Crete 2013.
This picture is also piblished in
"The Hedgehog Review - Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture"
Volume 17, Number 3, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture,
University of Virginia, in an article by Matthew Scherer: "Nietzshe's
Smile". ISSN 1527-867X, Charlottesville 2015.
Horvath: "War is a Chameleon". Mixed media on canvas, 50 x 70
cm, 2011.
This painting illustrates a quotation by Carl von Clausewitz: “War is thus more than a true chameleon, because it changes its nature to some extent in each concrete case. It is also, however, when it is regarded as a whole and in relation to the tendencies that dominate within it, a fascinating trinity composed of primordial violence, hatred, and enmity, which are to be regarded as a blind natural force; the play of chance and probability, within which the creative spirit is free to roam; and its element of subordination, as an instrument of policy, which makes it subject to pure reason.” (Carl von Clausewitz: "Vom Krieg")
Horvath: "Sir Charles Popper: Plato's Fall and the Falsification". Oil
canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2000/01.
This picture is the cover-illustration of the book by Patrick Horvath: "Große Denker", Selva-edition, Amstetten-Linz 2003, ISBN.3-9010-4045-5. It is also published in "Philosophie 1 - Raison, verite, connaissance" by Michel Larocque and Vincent Rowell, Beauchemin, Cheneliere Education, Montreal - Quebec, Canada, ISBN 978-2-7616-4619-2.
The painting is also published in Maurizio Ferraris: "IL GUSTO DEL PENSARE 3", Pearson Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 35986 A, p.604, 826 as well as in "PPENSIERO IN MOVIMENTO 1A and 3B" by the same author, Pearson Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 23891 B, p.281, 576.
Horvath: "Sir Charles Popper: Three Worlds". Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm,
Horvath: "Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince". Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm,
This painting is the cover-image
of the book "Niccolo
Machiavelli - Der Fürst", RaBaKa-Publishing, ISBN:
978-3-940185-05-1, 2007.
It is also included in "Worldviews: Contact and
Change" by A.Fitton, D.M.Goodman and E. O'Connor, a Grade 8 social
studies textbook published by Pearson Education, Toronto, Canada, ISBN
978-0-13-198719-7, 2007.
It is also published in "politik & kommunikation", a political
magazine by Helios Media, illustrating the article "Sei Löwe,
sei Fuchs!" by Marco
Althaus (Berlin, September
2008) and
in the magazine
"Charakter", March 2010, illustrating the article "Das
der Macht" by Vanessa Pegel (Göttingen).
2018 the picture was published in the book "UNA GRANDE ESPERANZA DI SE" by Allesandra Terrile, Paola Biglia and Cristina Terrile, Pearson Italia, Milano - Torino (978 88 395 29336 A - SG 0395 0141 8 S), p. 270.
look at Greek philosophy by Werner
Horvath. Beginning from left: "Kouros", 160 x 60 cm, 2012.
"Thales of Miletus", 60 x 80 cm, 2012.
"Pythagoras of Samos" and "Heraclitus of Ephesus", both 80 x
100 cm, 2012. "Empedocles and the Foir Elements", 100 x 70 cm, 2016.
"Parmenides of Elea", 50 x 75 cm, 2012. "Zeno of Elea", 60 x 80 cm,
2012, and "Democritus", 80
x 100 cm,
2012."Socrates", oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2002 . "Aristotle - The
Golden Middle", "Plato" (both 2018) and "Archimedes
of Syracuse",
60 x
80 cm, 2012.
A kouros is the modern term given to those representations of male youths which first appear in the Archaic period in Greece. Kouroi are beardless, take a formulaic advancing posture, and are most often nude. At the same time when kouros-statues were created, pre-Socratic philosophy appeared in ancient Greece. Therefore in the painting you find a deawing in the sand, illustrating a theory of Thales of Miletus, one of the main representatives of this school. In the portrait od Thales of Miletus you find another theory of the pre-Socratic philosopher and mathematician included. The portrait of Zeno of Elea displays also his paradoxes like "The Race of Achill against the Turtle" and his "Arguments against Motion".
The portrait of Socrates was also published in "Die Zukunft Europas" by BSA Austria and the Maria Jahoda - Otto Bauer Institut, printed by Gutenberg, Linz 2014.
The painting of Parmenides is also published in Maurizio Ferraris: "IL GUSTO DEL PENSARE 1", Pearson Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 35294 A, p.55, 638. as well as in "PPENSIERO IN MOVIMENTO 1A" by the same author, Pearson Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 23877 A, p.65, 419.
Horvath: "Marc Aurel - Triumph and Death". Oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm,
Horvath: "Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan". Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2001.
Emanuel Adler, the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Professor of Israeli Studies at the University of Toronto and Professor of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, writes about this particular picture: "...a community of people, weaved into the face of the 'father' of International Relations, just like Leviathan's face in Hobbes' book." He chose this picture as cover-illustration for his new book "Communitarian International Relations - The epistemic foundations of International Relations", Routledge, New York 2005, ISBN.0-415-33590-6 (simultaneously published in the USA and Canada).
Horvath: "Thomas Hobbes - HOMO HOMINI LUPUS". Color pencils on
paper, 32 x 24 cm, Crete 1999.
This drawing is also published in Edwin Stiller: "dialog sowi - Unterrichtswerk für Sozialwissenschaften", C.C.Buchner-edition, Bamberg 2002 as an illustration of the chapter "Thomas Hobbes: Der Mensch ist dem Menschen ein Wolf". It is also published in "Denk Art - Ethik für die gymnasiale Oberstufe" by Matthias Althoff and Henning Franzen, Edition Schöningh, Braunschweig, Paderborn, Darmstadt 2015, ISBN 978-3-14-025055-9.
Horvath: "David Hume - Hume's Fork". Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2001.
This painting is also published in the article "Wie kommt die Moral in die Welt? - Zur Ethik David Humes" by Ulrich Plessner, Freiburg, and Dr. Carlo Schultheiss, Singen in: RAAbits Ethik/Philosophie 17, Raabe Publications for School, Stuttgart 2008.
"Jean-Jacques Rousseau", his vision of natural state and
his role in French Revolution.
Oil and acrylic on canvas, 50 x 60 cm, 2020.
"Immanuel Kant". Oil and
acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50 cm,
The artist has included some quotations from Immanuel Kant's work in pictorial form, for example:
„Zwei Dinge erfüllen das Gemüt mit immer neuer und zunehmender Bewunderung und Ehrfurcht, je öfter und anhaltender sich das Nachdenken damit beschäftigt: Der bestirnte Himmel über mir, und das moralische Gesetz in mir.“ Immanuel Kant, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, BeschlussWerner
Horvath: "Ernst von Glasersfeld". Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2005.
This painting was published as the cover-image of "Constructivist - Foundations", Vol.2, Number 2-3, March 2007, Festschrift for Ernst von Glasersfeld, celebrating his 90th birthday.
Horvath: "Arthur Schopenhauer". Color pencils on paper, 30 x 30 cm,
Crete 1999.
This drawing was the cover-image of the magazine "DIE IDEE", number I, Würzburg, April 2007.
Horvath: "Friedrich Nietzsche". Color pencils on paper, 32 x 24 cm,
Rhodes 1994.
This drawing is also published in
Ellen Geerings:
"het oog in de storm - Wegwijs in de filosofie", Handbook 2, Boom
Amsterdam 2007 (ISBN 9789085060759), illustrating the Nietzsche-chapter.
This picture is also piblished in "The Hedgehog Review -
Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture"
Volume 17, Number 3, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture,
University of Virginia, in an article by Matthew Scherer: "Nietzshe's
Smile". ISSN 1527-867X, Charlottesville 2015.
Horvath: "John Locke". Color pencils on paper, 32 x 24 cm, Crete 1999
(left) and "John Locke", oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, Crete 2010 (right).
This drawing was also published in Edwin Stiller: "dialog sowi - Unterrichtswerk für Sozialwissenschaften", C.C.Buchner-edition, Bamberg 2002 as an illustration of the chapter "John Locke: Theorie der Freiheit - und vor allem des Eigentums". It is also published in "Denk Art - Ethik für die gymnasiale Oberstufe" by Matthias Althoff and Henning Franzen, Edition Schöningh, Braunschweig, Paderborn, Darmstadt 2015, ISBN 978-3-14-025055-9.
The painting is also published in Maurizio Ferraris: "IL GUSTO DEL PENSARE 2", Pearson Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 35948 A, p.319, 764 as well as in "PPENSIERO IN MOVIMENTO 2A" by the same author, Pearson Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 23884 A, p.417, 550.
Horvath: "Niccolo Machiavelli". Color pencils on paper, 32 x 24 cm,
1999 (left) and "Niccolo Machiavelli", oil and acrylic on canvas, 50 x
40 cm, 2003/2012 (right).
The drawing was also published in "Politics of the fox' in Maldives", Maldives Culture, .
Horvath: "Constructivistic Portrait of Prof. Paul Watzlawick". Color
pencils on
paper, 32 x 24 cm, Vienna 1996.
The original of this drawing is in private property of Prof. Paul Watzlawick. This image was also published in "Aria Pulita" Numero 3, Gennaio 2005, in an article titled "Italia senza fumo passivo".
Horvath: "Hegel". Color pencils on paper, 32 x 24 cm, 2000.
Horvath: "Sigmund Freud" and "Sigmund Freud: Consciousness, Censorship
the Subconscious". Both oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 1994 and 2001.
The painting "Sigmund Freud" is also published in Heber Ferraz-Leite: "Malende Ärzte Österreichs", Selva-edition, Amstetten 2000, ISBN.3-9010-4041-2. It is the cover-illustration of the book "Freud und Leid", Selva-edition, Amstetten-Linz 1999, ISBN.3-9010-4040-4.
Horvath: "Elfriede Jelinek - the Piano Teacher". Oil on canvas, 50 x 40
cm, 2005.
Horvath: "Voltaire" (Francois Marie Arouet - pen
name Voltaire). Oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm, 2005.
This painting ws published as the cover image of the book "Tolerance" by Fabrizio Lomonaco, Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Naples. Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers, Bern 2013. ISBN 978-3-0343-1248-6. It is also included in the CPH Hotelguide.
Horvath: "Nikos Kazantzakis: Zorba, the Greek". Oil on canvas, 50 x 40
cm, 2001.
Horvath: "Garden of Peace (Hannah Arendt, Mahatma Gandhi, Bertha von
Suttner, Immanuel Kant". Oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm, 2002 (left). "Lay
down your arms! - Young Bertha von Suttner". Oil and acrylic on canvas,
80 x 60 cm, 2014.
The painting "Garden of Peace" is published in the book of the University "Sapienzia" of Rome "Visione politica e strategie linguistice" by Donatella Montini, in the chapter "Una civilta della parola: il discorso nonviolento di Hannah Arendt" by Stefania Porcelli, 2010 Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Manneli (ISBN 978-88-498-2718-7).
It is also published in the book "Große Denker" by Patrick Horvath (edition Selva, ISBN 3-9010-4945-5).
It is included in the magazine "Abenteuer Philosophie" 138/2014, p.6.
The picture is used as a cover illustration of the CLIO event program 2014, a non profit organization.
The painting is also published in the book "Immanuel Kant, 1724 - 2024, Ein europäischer Denker" by Volker Gerhardt, Mathias Weber and Maja Schepelmann (editors). DE GRUYTER, Oldenburg 2022, (ISBN 978-3-11-076281-5), p.116, 329.
Horvath: "Adam Smith and the invisible hand of the market", "John
Maynard Keynes and the secure harbour of Bretton Woods" and "John
Kenneth Galbraith and the Affluent Society". Each of them oil on
canvas, 60 x 50 cm,
2009 - 2011.
This portrait of Galbraith was also published in the book "Herausforderung Neue Arbeit" of the BSA and the Otto Bauer Institute (Marie Jahoda), printed by Gutenberg Publishing in 2012.
Horvath: "Ludwig Wittgenstein and his Red Flower". Oil on canvas, 60 x
50 cm, 2023.
Horvath: "Karl Marx". Oil on canvas, 105 x 85 cm, 1997.
This painting was part of the exhibition "Ikone Karl Marx" in the "Stadtmuseum Simeonstift" in Trier (Germany) in 2013 and was publishred in the book "Ikone Karl Martx - Kultbilder und Bilderkult" by Elisabeth Dürr, Publisher Schnell+Steiner, ISBN 978--3-7954-2702-3, 2013.
The picture is also published in the book "Karl Marx - Ein radikaler Denker" by Wolfgang Kom: Carl Hanser Verlag, ISBN 978-3-446-25870-9, Munich 2018.A similiar painting is
published in Maurizio Ferraris:"PENSIERO IN MOVIMENTO 3A",
Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 23891 A, p.137.