Gaddhafi Sir Charles Popper

Werner Horvath: "Sir Charles Popper: Plato's Fall and the Falsification". Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2000/01.

This picture is the cover-illustration of the book by Patrick Horvath: "Große Denker", Selva-edition, Amstetten-Linz 2003, ISBN.3-9010-4045-5. It is also published in "Philosophie 1 - Raison, verite, connaissance" by Michel Larocque and Vincent Rowell, Beauchemin, Cheneliere Education, Montreal - Quebec, Canada, ISBN 978-2-7616-4619-2.

The painting is also published in Maurizio Ferraris: "IL GUSTO DEL PENSARE 3", Pearson Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 35986 A, p.604, 826 as well as in "PPENSIERO IN MOVIMENTO 1A and 3B" by the same author, Pearson Italia 2019, Milano-Torino. ISBN 978 88 395 23891 B, p.281, 576.